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What can we do with Markdown
There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor
In tutorial, Jan 05, 2022The Ideal eReader I need in 2022
I read books. A lots of book. Daily, weekly. But sometimes it’s not possible to carry book everywhere. Thats why I was looking for ebook reader. From last few month I was researching ...
In Dream, Gadget, Jan 04, 2022Install Multiple Font at once on Linux
Though for being a web developer I don’t need to install a lots of font regularly but sometimes I have to install a lots of font at once. Installing font one by one is a difficult tas...
In Linux, Jan 03, 2022Essential Git Commands for a Developer
Git is a Distributed Version Control System (VCS), developed to save the weekend of developer like you and me :p . It was developed in 2005 by our favorite Linus Torvalds. I can’t spe...
In Programming, Development, Jan 02, 2022One Post A Day
A Brand New Year! 2022. Hope this year will bring you success. I have chosen to be more active this year than any previous year. I really wanna change myself. Here is a small list I a...
In Life, Jan 01, 2022Block Ads on Android Forever Without Any Apps or Root
How to remove ads on Android Without Root and Without Apps
In Tutorial, Android, Dec 26, 2021How To Enable Asus Battery Health Charging for Ubuntu / Linux
Few days ago I have bought ASUS UX425JA Laptop. The laptop is really cool and comes with a lots of cool features. But it comes with Windows Home Pre installed and Asus Own’s Features ...
In Tutorial, Linux, Dec 25, 2021Why I have moved to Jekyll?
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common wa...
In Jekyll, tutorial, Dec 18, 2021Best Type C Hub I am using
I have bought Ugreen 10 in 1 Type C Hub with 3.5 m port from Daraz global
In Accessories, Oct 23, 2021Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor
There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor. If you’ve gotten pretty comfortable with writing in Markdown, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips about t...
In Jekyll, tutorial, Feb 03, 2019Featured
JavaScript All Array Methods
In JavaScript, Programming, -
iTerm2 + ZSH + Powerlevel10K | My Terminal Setup
In Terminal, macOS, -
Install Multiple Font at once on Linux
In Linux, -
Essential Git Commands for a Developer
In Programming, Development, -
How To Enable Asus Battery Health Charging for Ubuntu / Linux
In Tutorial, Linux, -
Install ZSH on Ubuntu
In Tutorial, Linux, -
We all wait for summer
In Jekyll, tutorial, -
Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor
In Jekyll, tutorial, -
Markdown Example
In Jekyll, tutorial,