
JavaScript All Array Methods

I love JS, the language is simple and awesome. In my university life I have solved Problem in Python Programming Language. Now Its JS Time! Its a post about Array in JavaScript. Beca...

In JavaScript, Programming, Jun 02, 2022

iTerm2 + ZSH + Powerlevel10K | My Terminal Setup

For the last few years my I have been using ZSH and Powerlevel10K on my Ubuntu. Recently I have moved to macOS and the first thing I have done installing powerlevel10K. ZSH comes pre-...

In Terminal, macOS, Feb 05, 2022

Install Multiple Font at once on Linux

Though for being a web developer I don’t need to install a lots of font regularly but sometimes I have to install a lots of font at once. Installing font one by one is a difficult tas...

In Linux, Jan 03, 2022

Essential Git Commands for a Developer

Git is a Distributed Version Control System (VCS), developed to save the weekend of developer like you and me :p . It was developed in 2005 by our favorite Linus Torvalds. I can’t spe...

In Programming, Development, Jan 02, 2022

How To Enable Asus Battery Health Charging for Ubuntu / Linux

Few days ago I have bought ASUS UX425JA Laptop. The laptop is really cool and comes with a lots of cool features. But it comes with Windows Home Pre installed and Asus Own’s Features ...

In Tutorial, Linux, Dec 25, 2021

Install ZSH on Ubuntu

I am a full time linux user, to be specific ubuntu user. Just like other linux users, shell is important to me too. I believe I haven’t spent a single day without opening the terminal...

In Tutorial, Linux, Feb 02, 2019

We all wait for summer

This is changed. As I engage in the so-called “bull sessions” around and about the school, I too often find that most college men have a misconception of the purpose of education. Mos...

In Jekyll, tutorial, Jan 28, 2019

Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor

There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor

In Jekyll, tutorial, Jan 24, 2019

Markdown Example

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common wa...

In Jekyll, tutorial, Jan 19, 2019


Powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor

There are lots of powerful things you can do with the Markdown editor. If you’ve gotten pretty comfortable with writing in Markdown, then you may enjoy some more advanced tips about t...

In Jekyll, tutorial, Feb 03, 2019


JavaScript All Array Methods

I love JS, the language is simple and awesome. In my university life I have solved Problem in Python Programming Language. Now Its JS Time! Its a post about Array in JavaScript. Beca...

In JavaScript, Programming, Jun 02, 2022

How To Enable Asus Battery Health Charging for Ubuntu / Linux

Few days ago I have bought ASUS UX425JA Laptop. The laptop is really cool and comes with a lots of cool features. But it comes with Windows Home Pre installed and Asus Own’s Features ...

In Tutorial, Linux, Dec 25, 2021


How To Enable Asus Battery Health Charging for Ubuntu / Linux

Few days ago I have bought ASUS UX425JA Laptop. The laptop is really cool and comes with a lots of cool features. But it comes with Windows Home Pre installed and Asus Own’s Features ...

In Tutorial, Linux, Dec 25, 2021


How To Enable Asus Battery Health Charging for Ubuntu / Linux

Few days ago I have bought ASUS UX425JA Laptop. The laptop is really cool and comes with a lots of cool features. But it comes with Windows Home Pre installed and Asus Own’s Features ...

In Tutorial, Linux, Dec 25, 2021


Essential Git Commands for a Developer

Git is a Distributed Version Control System (VCS), developed to save the weekend of developer like you and me :p . It was developed in 2005 by our favorite Linus Torvalds. I can’t spe...

In Programming, Development, Jan 02, 2022


Essential Git Commands for a Developer

Git is a Distributed Version Control System (VCS), developed to save the weekend of developer like you and me :p . It was developed in 2005 by our favorite Linus Torvalds. I can’t spe...

In Programming, Development, Jan 02, 2022


Install Multiple Font at once on Linux

Though for being a web developer I don’t need to install a lots of font regularly but sometimes I have to install a lots of font at once. Installing font one by one is a difficult tas...

In Linux, Jan 03, 2022


Install Multiple Font at once on Linux

Though for being a web developer I don’t need to install a lots of font regularly but sometimes I have to install a lots of font at once. Installing font one by one is a difficult tas...

In Linux, Jan 03, 2022


Install ZSH Shell with Oh My ZSH and PowerLevel10K Theme and Fonts on Linux

Have you ever wondered seeing YouTuber using fancy terminal? With fancy Icon and lots of suggestions ? lets do this with our own terminal. In this tutorial we will know how can we in...

In Linux, Tutorial, Apr 29, 2022


Install ZSH Shell with Oh My ZSH and PowerLevel10K Theme and Fonts on Linux

Have you ever wondered seeing YouTuber using fancy terminal? With fancy Icon and lots of suggestions ? lets do this with our own terminal. In this tutorial we will know how can we in...

In Linux, Tutorial, Apr 29, 2022


Install ZSH Shell with Oh My ZSH and PowerLevel10K Theme and Fonts on Linux

Have you ever wondered seeing YouTuber using fancy terminal? With fancy Icon and lots of suggestions ? lets do this with our own terminal. In this tutorial we will know how can we in...

In Linux, Tutorial, Apr 29, 2022


Install ZSH Shell with Oh My ZSH and PowerLevel10K Theme and Fonts on Linux

Have you ever wondered seeing YouTuber using fancy terminal? With fancy Icon and lots of suggestions ? lets do this with our own terminal. In this tutorial we will know how can we in...

In Linux, Tutorial, Apr 29, 2022


JavaScript All Array Methods

I love JS, the language is simple and awesome. In my university life I have solved Problem in Python Programming Language. Now Its JS Time! Its a post about Array in JavaScript. Beca...

In JavaScript, Programming, Jun 02, 2022

use phone camera as webcam

Use Your Android or iPhone Camera as Webcam for Zoom or Google Meet

Nowadays online video calls are very common. People are working remotely, and attending online classes or meetings. For those a webcam is essential and joining a formal meeting with a...

In Tutorial, Jun 17, 2022

ios as webcam

Use Your Android or iPhone Camera as Webcam for Zoom or Google Meet

Nowadays online video calls are very common. People are working remotely, and attending online classes or meetings. For those a webcam is essential and joining a formal meeting with a...

In Tutorial, Jun 17, 2022

android as webcam

Use Your Android or iPhone Camera as Webcam for Zoom or Google Meet

Nowadays online video calls are very common. People are working remotely, and attending online classes or meetings. For those a webcam is essential and joining a formal meeting with a...

In Tutorial, Jun 17, 2022

New Year

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023

In Dec 31, 2022


Learning JavaScript in 2023

It’s 2023 and the world of JavaScript is constantly evolving. As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to try and keep up with all of the latest developments and best practices in the la...

In JavaScript, Programming, Jan 02, 2023


Learning JavaScript in 2023

It’s 2023 and the world of JavaScript is constantly evolving. As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to try and keep up with all of the latest developments and best practices in the la...

In JavaScript, Programming, Jan 02, 2023


Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Key Differences

Welcome to another blog on the definition of databases and their importance in modern technology!

In Tech, Programming, Jan 04, 2023

Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Key Differences

Welcome to another blog on the definition of databases and their importance in modern technology!

In Tech, Programming, Jan 03, 2023


Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Key Differences

Welcome to another blog on the definition of databases and their importance in modern technology!

In Tech, Programming, Jan 04, 2023

Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Key Differences

Welcome to another blog on the definition of databases and their importance in modern technology!

In Tech, Programming, Jan 03, 2023


Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Key Differences

Welcome to another blog on the definition of databases and their importance in modern technology!

In Tech, Programming, Jan 04, 2023

Comparing SQL and NoSQL Databases: Understanding the Key Differences

Welcome to another blog on the definition of databases and their importance in modern technology!

In Tech, Programming, Jan 03, 2023


Essential Markdown Tags You Need to Learn in 2023

All of the posts in this blog are written in markdown language. I am learning markdown daily by just writing the blogs.

In Tech, Jan 03, 2023


The Great Debate: Android vs iOS - Which is the Right Choice for You?

Android vs iOS is a long-standing debate among smartphone users. Both operating systems have their own set of features and perks that make them popular among users. In this article, w...

In Smartphone, OS, Jan 04, 2023


The Great Debate: Android vs iOS - Which is the Right Choice for You?

Android vs iOS is a long-standing debate among smartphone users. Both operating systems have their own set of features and perks that make them popular among users. In this article, w...

In Smartphone, OS, Jan 04, 2023


The Great Debate: Android vs iOS - Which is the Right Choice for You?

Android vs iOS is a long-standing debate among smartphone users. Both operating systems have their own set of features and perks that make them popular among users. In this article, w...

In Smartphone, OS, Jan 04, 2023